Platforma: Microsoft Windows: 10, 11; Linux; Android: 7.0 - 14

Premiera: 25.11.2023

Obecna wersja: 1.1.1

Data ostatniej aktualizacji: 7.12.2023 16:30

Wsparcie: Tak


Czy zastanawiałeś się kiedyś co się dzieje, gdy w domu Michała zabraknie mleka? A może myślałeś o tym jak to jest jeździć Pandą wśród kierowców, którzy dostali prawo jazdy w płatkach śniadaniowych? Nie? No cóż... Przykro nam... Ale o tym właśnie jest ta gra! Poczuj te emocje i ruszaj w drogę, bo tylko od Ciebie zależy czy Michałowi uda uratować swoją rodzinę od śmierci głodowej!


Najnowsza wersja (1.1.1)

Wymagania sprzętowe

Microsoft Windows









Lista zmian

#### 1.1.1

 - Modified '5', 'Z' and 'T' characters in default font

 - Fixed leaderboards scrolling being diffcult on touch screen devices, again

 - Updated copyright notices

 - Added new music as an easter egg

#### 1.1.0

 - Changed default mobile renderer to OpenGL

 - Added shortcuts to launch OpenGL version of the game to desktop builds

 - Changed maximum player name length to 36 characters

 - Fixed pause menu not saving settings on exit

 - Fixed audio volume loading with slight delay

 - Fixed scrollbar apearing in scores when using OpenDyslexia font

 - Fixed OpenDyslexia font covering speedometer

 - Fixed easter egg button being clickable under pop up's

 - Fixed some UI elements being not navigable using gamepads

 - Fixed Windows builds user IDs containing "{" character

 - Fixed music_list command not working

 - Enabled godmode in release builds (Godmode will disable saving scores until game restart)

#### 1.0.2

 - Fixed exploit connected to display refresh rate

#### 1.0.1

 - Fixed removing newline characters from player names in leaderboard

 - Fixed easter egg button being clickable behind opaque menus

#### 1.0.0

 - Added pop up when player name is not set

 - Added new version info pop up

 - Adjusted debug information for release versions

 - Fixed gamepad joystick sending too much inputs

 - Fixed leaderboards being difficult to scroll on touch screen devices

 - Fixed interaction between some UI elements

 - Fixed AI Cars going through each other

#### RC.7.1

 - Added icons to gamepad controls section in settings

 - Fixed dev console button in settings reporting wrong state on startup

 - Fixed fullscreen button being "off" on Android where fullscreen is always on

 - Fixed touchscreen console dev button not showing on Android right after changing setting

#### RC.7.0

 - Added player naming setting

 - Added disabling or enabling dev console via setting

 - Reworked leaderboards UI

 - Added command to hide debug info watermark

 - Fixed leaderboards UI not scaling

#### B.6.0

 - Added online leaderboards

 - Added graphical speedometer to game HUD

 - Reorganized game HUD

 - Added virtual buttons as a new input method for touchscreen devices

 - Added customizing keyboard keybindings

 - Audio mastering

 - Changed UI theme of sliders, scrollbars and panels

 - Slightly adjusted options panel

 - Enabled MSDF for OpenDyslexia font

 - Changed font in game scene

 - Added button to report bugs

#### B.5.1

 - Improved spawning algorithm curve

 - Changed Android Adaptive Icons files

 - Fixed missing permission to access the internet

 - Fixed missing crash sound effect

 - Fixed engine error appearing in developer console about disabling a CollisionObject node during a physics callback

#### B.5.0

 - Completely refactored AI cars and milk spawning algorithm

 - Added random speed difference for every AI car

 - Added simple game over screen

 - Added update checking

 - Reduced motion is now stoping sprite animations

 - Fixed Graphics API setting not working on Android

 - Fixed "Reduce motion" setting not working while in game

#### B.4.0

 - Changed default font

 - Added option to change default font for OpenDyslexia

 - Added option to reduce motion

 - Added option to swipe instead of taping on screen to steer the car

 - Enabled touch emulation for mouse devices

 - Increased button margins

 - Doubled simultaneous milks on screen

 - Fixed console not working while in pause menu

 - Fixed buttons click causing car to move on touch screen devices

#### B.3.0

 - Entirely changed main menu look n' feel

 - Changed look of buttons and other related UI elements

 - Added shadow to some sprites

 - Moved developers and engine creators section in credits

 - Increased road scrolling smoothness

 - Added new music

 - Changed music player behaviour

 - Fixed visible camera scaling at the start of the level

 - Changed GUI fonts in carride

#### A.2.0

 - Changed road lanes from 3 to 5

 - Added new AI car colors

 - Added milk as a score item

 - Changed driving direction

 - Added acceleration to Lukaszczyk's car (Game is increasing speed with time)

 - Changed viewport stretch aspect setting

 - Added new music

 - Changed music process mode

 - Changed game logo and splash screen

 - Fixed main menu not loading properly on Android devices

 - Some project files cleanup

#### A.1.1

 - Adjusted cars position

 - Added sterring support for touch devices

 - Removed achievements code

#### A.1.0

 - Fork carride to it's own project